How to find the right music mentor(s)?
In order to find a mentor, it is important to know what you are looking for. Mentors can be people who are more experienced in your field, or they can be people who have skills and insight that you don't. If you're looking for someone with connections in the industry, then a producer or an agent might be a good choice. If you need someone to give you advice on how to improve your skills, then an expert musician might be able to help.
We should not think of mentors as being only one type of person - instead we should think of them as being many different types of people with various skill sets and connections that can help us achieve our goals.
You should not just look for someone with a lot of experience in the music industry but also someone who is interested in you and your skills. It is important to have someone who will be committed to your success and will be able to help you grow as an artist.